Site Overlay

Laboratory design


We offer comprehensive architectural and engineering solutions for laboratories at all stages of the investment process. We design laboratory facilities for various purposes, especially in the field of function technology of laboratories.

We have the experience and knowledge necessary in the design of research, medical as well as analytical laboratories. We design chemical, microbiological, physical, physico-chemical, measurement, radiochemical (II and III class), industrial and on site (chemical plants, sewage treatment plants) laboratories, next to animal quarters and other, both teaching and research, including r&d.

We provide services for the following stages of the construction investment process:

  • laboratory construction,
  • laboratory reconstruction,
  • laboratory adaptation,
  • laboratory arrangement.

We prepare documentation, we prepare studies. We also offer a wide range of consulting and expert services.

Our scope of activity includes:

  • feasibility studies (long-term planning, grant applications);
  • functional and utility studies;
  • preliminary and conceptual projects;
  • technical and spatial programs;
  • technological projects (as an industry element) for construction projects;
  • technological projects (as an industry element) for the needs of executive projects;
  • function technology of laboratories elements necessary to develop various types of tender documentation (specification of essential terms of the contract – SIWZ);
  • verification of design compliance (including existing projects) with current legal, normative, certification or accreditation conditions for laboratory buildings and rooms
  • and other.

We also provide a number of above-standard services, such as:

  • color and material concepts;
  • laboratory equipment and furnishings concepts;
  • visual communication systems together with the design of the laboratory building equipment;
  • simulations and presentations of the designed laboratory facility using, among others graphic, photographic and film techniques.

We coordinate and manage design, investment and construction processes. We act as a substitute investor.

Our experience